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 "TCC Securities" was founded in 1994. From the very beginning of its work the director of the center is Nina Salnikova. Started from courses for the stock market specialists the center turns to the organization of the advanced training for the bank officials. Center has developed the working partnership with Moscow International Finance and Banking School. The best specialists – authors of the books and educational academic programs of this institution came to Riga to hold the workshops. In spring of 2001 the center was the first to implement the unique program of the International Association of Accountants (London) in Latvia. The mastering of the International Accounting Standards and competitive ability on the labor market of Latvia and other EU countries – all these factors attract more and more participants.  "TCC Securities" has gained the broad popularity as the representative of the Finance Academy under the Russian government. The diploma of the leading economic high school in Russia now can be received, studying by correspondence, within Latvian territory. Now  "TCC Securities" provides interesting courses on programs of the Institute of Professional Financial Managers, workshops on development of the banking operations, regular workshops for the accountants. The program „International Accounting Standards” today is the most actual program for the accountants in Latvia. Our Center’s credo is: the more there are well-educated people – the more interesting, more profitable will be Latvian business.

Training and Consultancy Centre "Securities" already work for 20 years. Total amount of students are 15000 people.
2020. year
2019. year
2018. year
2017. year

"...I have just finished a course on Financial management. The program is very interesting. It will be useful for economists that deal with budgeting, analysis...."

The personnel of these companies were trained on our programms and workshops in Training and Consultancy Centre
The personnel of these companies were trained on our programms and workshops in Training and Consultancy Centre "Securities".

Training and Consultancy Centre
Training and Consultancy Centre "Securities" offers its graduates and students next website sections for usage:

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