Trešdiena, 18. septembris 2024
Par kompāniju Programmas Iestāšanās noteikumi Semināri Grāmatvežu klubs Pasniedzēji Partneri Kontakti
Kursa apraksts
Kursa saturs

  "ML/TPF, Sanction Evasion Typologies, and FIU Red Flags"


Date of the seminar: April 25, 2024 from 17:00 to 20:00

Language of training: English, presentation material in English

Venue of the seminar: online platform Zoom

About the lecturer:  Renārs Degro -More than 18 years of experience in finance, risk, and project management. Gained experience by working in leading positions in the financial sector. Has obtained internationally recognized certificates in AML and Sanctions areas: CAMS (Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialist) and CGSS (Certified Global Sanctions Specialist). Implemented several projects in financial risk, operational risk, AML, and Sanctions prevention areas. 

Seminar Content: Participants will learn about the most common typologies in ML/ TPF and sanctions evasion (a total of 15 typologies) and FIU indicators. For each typology, we will examine its associated red flags, FIU signs, and control mechanisms necessary for their identification and prevention. At the end of each session, there will be a test to reinforce the knowledge gained.

Price of the seminar: € 100.00 + VAT


We will closely examine some of the FIU typologies of Money Laundering, indicating risks related to clients and their business partners, transaction execution, account activities, transaction documentation, politically exposed persons and their connections, as well as behavioral indicators that may suggest "laundering" activities, corresponding to these typologies

"MKC Vērtspapīri" strādā jau 20 gadus. Kopējais klausītāju skaits sastāda 15000 cilvēku.
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"...Uzskatu, ka mans lielākais ieguvums kursu rezultātā ir iegūtās zinašanas, ja tās piemirsīsies, tad paliks jebkurā laikā izmantojams izdales materiāls par SGS un ļoti labas atmiņas gan par pasniedzēju, gan par kolēģiem. Jo mācību procesā bija ļoti laba apkārtējā gaisotne jeb aura, savstarpēja sapratne, kas ir ļoti būtiski. ..."

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