Sunday, 12 May 2024
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Course description
Course contents

 Typologies Include:


1. Structuring/Smurfing - E-commerce Clothing Store 

2. Online Casinos - The "Cash-In, Cash-Out" method 

3. Cryptocurrency mixing service aka “tumbler” 

4. Peer to Peer platforms - Loan Churning 

5. Trade-based Money Laundering - Car parts business 

6. Layering Through Licensed Investment Funds 

7. Transferring Illicit Funds through Cash-Settled Put Options 

8. Straw-men Facilitated Money Laundering 

9. Real Estate Laundering - The Renovation Ruse 

10. The Marketing Mix Scheme 

11. Sanctions evasion - Sham Divestments 

12. Sanctions evasion - Mislabeling and Re-routing of Goods 

13. The Money Laundering Transaction Chain 

14. Circular Money Laundering Transactions 

15. Complex Ownership Structures and Sanction Evasion

Training and Consultancy Centre "Securities" already work for 20 years. Total amount of students are 15000 people.
2020. year
2019. year
2018. year
2017. year

"...I have just finished a course on Financial management. The program is very interesting. It will be useful for economists that deal with budgeting, analysis...."

The personnel of these companies were trained on our programms and workshops in Training and Consultancy Centre
The personnel of these companies were trained on our programms and workshops in Training and Consultancy Centre "Securities".

Training and Consultancy Centre
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